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Join Course Builders Hub Premium to get instant access to all the Course Builders TV videos, the Course Builders Hub Community, and the Build a Course that Sells online course (value $270 USD)

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Get Lifetime Access to Course Builders Hub Premium for Just £250 (approx $345 USD)

Only 100 Lifetime Access Memberships available

Monthly Membership


Approx $17 USD/Mo

  • Access to all the Course Builders Interview videos for as long as you remain a member
  • Membership of the Course Builders Hub community forums to ask questions and get support and inspiration
  • Bonus: free access to the Build a Course that Sells course on how to build, launch and grow a successful online course – value $270 USD

Best Value

Lifetime Membership


Approx $345 USD

  • Special Launch offer: Get Lifetime Access for a single payment of £250 (approx $345 USD)
  • Only 100 Lifetime Memberships Available
  • Access to all the Course Builders Interview videos for life
  • Membership of the Course Builders Hub community forums to ask questions and get support and inspiration
  • Bonus: free access to the Build a Course that Sells course on how to build, launch and grow a successful online course – value $270 USD

Annual Membership

£125 /YR

Approx $172 USD/YR

  • Get 2 months free with the annual plan
  • Access to all the Course Builders Interview videos for as long as you remain a member
  • Membership of the Course Builders Hub community forums to ask questions and get support and inspiration
  • Bonus: free access to the Build a Course that Sells course on how to build, launch and grow a successful online course – value $270 USD