Case Study: Dr Tarique Sani – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Courses

Dr Tarique Sani

Dr Tarique Sani is a doctor by education but now helps senior IT executives overcome anxiety, impostor syndrome and prevent burn out using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

When not having sessions with his 1:1 clients or creating courses, you can find Tarique indulging in ultra distance cycling and promoting growing your own food to his neighbours.

Tarique has created a series of online courses linked to his 1-1 courses on various applications of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – for example on procrastination, assertiveness and perfectionism.

In this interview we discuss:

  • Simple clues for what to create your courses about and who to create them for
  • What you need to do differently for an online course vs live workshops
  • How creating an online course can revitalise your practice
  • How to get participants to engage quickly with your course – and the right type of exercises to use
  • Tarique’s technology recommendations – and why he doesn’t go for an “all in one” system
  • A simple way to create a “backup version” of your course in case the technology fails
  • How to launch your first course and get your first sales without fancy marketing
  • Tarique’s techniques for content marketing on Linkedin – including how he organises and reuses his content and creates new content quickly so he can post 4 times per day
  • The four pillars of an effective Linkedin post
  • How online courses enhance the effectiveness of his 1-1 sessions (and make them more interesting for him)
  • Tarique’s #1 tip for getting started with online courses

You can find Tarique’s courses here:

And you can connect with him on social media here:




(Or just by searching for “Tarique Sani” – he’s the only one!)