Case Study: Jonn Kares – Smart About Work

Jonn Kares

Jonn is the Self-Agility Coach, based in Toronto Canada. He has created a course called SMart About Work to support his professional coaching practice.

Unlike a lot of courses based on selling information, rather than teaching participants what they can learn from HIM, Jonn’s course gets them learning what they can learn from THEMSELVES.

In this interview we cover:

  • How the Smart About Work program is focused on self-reflection and learning in the moment rather than the delivery of information.
  • How Jonn combines the self-reflection, online element of his course with live coaching – and how one supports the other.
  • How you can apply experiential based learning techniques to any course where learning by doing is important.
  • Using a minimum viable product approach to creating your course.
  • Balancing the need to develop your course quickly with the end-user experience to ensure the course delivers on it’s goals.
  • Why you need to dig below the surface of what people think they need to make your course richer and more meaningful for them.

You can find out more about John and the Smart About Work program at: